Tag Archives: British Army

Half-Pay Officers During the Regency Era

Question from a follower: I’ve often wondered about the term “half-pay officer.” Does an officer who sells out still receive half pay or only officers who retire without selling their commissions (if there is such a thing). My question concerns … Continue reading

Posted in aristocracy, British history, British Navy, Georgian England, Georgian Era, Great Britain, history, military, Napoleonic Wars, Pride and Prejudice, Regency era, Regency romance, research, war, War of 1812 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Cavalry Trumpet/Bugle Calls in the 18th and 19th Centuries

Recently, I had an author friend seeking information on cavalry trumpets calls, for she was writing a battle scene. The hero of her tale is in the mounted infantry, and he is on the American front during the War of … Continue reading

Posted in British history, customs and tradiitons, Georgian England, Georgian Era, history, Napoleonic Wars, Regency era, research, war, War of 1812, weaponry | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Cavalry Trumpet/Bugle Calls in the 18th and 19th Centuries

Buying a Commission During the Regency Era

In times of peace and of war, most promotions were achieved by purchasing a higher rank, rather than earning a field promotion, so to speak. This made it easy for a man to have a high rank without much actual … Continue reading

Posted in British history, Georgian, Georgian England, Georgian Era, Great Britain, history, music, Napoleonic Wars, Northanger Abbey, political stance, Regency era, research | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Did An Officer’s Wife Receive a Pension if Her Husband Died in the Napoleonic Wars?

 Did an officer’s wives receive  any kind of pension or a refund for her husband’s purchased rank if the man was killed in battle?  First, permit me to explain, regiments were formed “whole cloth” in some regions, or whole battalions … Continue reading

Posted in British history, Georgian England, Georgian Era, Great Britain, history, Living in the Regency, military, real life tales, Regency era, war | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Purchasing Commissions During the Napoleonic Wars

We often read of a young gentleman purchasing a commission in either the militia or the regulars during the Regency era, but did conditions exist when a commission could not be secured? The answer is “Yes,” but there were rules … Continue reading

Posted in British history, British Navy, Georgian England, military, Napoleonic Wars, war | Tagged , , , , , , | 15 Comments

Enlisting in the British Army During the Regency Era

Being an officer in the British Army was considered a “suitable” occupation for sons of peers and wealthy families of the gentry. Generally, the head of the family (father, uncle, brother, etc. would purchase commissions for his relation. We often … Continue reading

Posted in British history, customs and tradiitons, Georgian England, Georgian Era, Great Britain, history, Living in the Regency, military, real life tales, Regency era, research | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Regency Militia, a Guest Post from Jann Rowland

This post originally appeared on the Austen Authors’ blog on 24 June 2020. Enjoy!  Last month I alluded to an upcoming work which will drive the topics I intend to talk about over the next few posts. That topic was … Continue reading

Posted in Austen Authors, British history, George Wickham, Georgian England, Georgian Era, Guest Post, history, Jane Austen, Living in the Regency, military, Regency era | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Regency Militia, a Guest Post from Jann Rowland