Tag Archives: crime

The Privilege of Peerage in Avoiding Punishment

Not all crimes allowed a use of privilege, which was close to the Benefit of clergy that everyone else could use without the farce of the neck verse. The woman’s father or guardian would generally have to bring the suit–unless she was of age. The charge would be abduction. Continue reading

Posted in aristocracy, British history, customs and tradiitons, Georgian England, Georgian Era, history, laws of the land, Regency era, Regency romance, research, writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The Privilege of Peerage in Avoiding Punishment

The Hanging of Minors in the Regency Era

I recently received a question from a reader who had seen something in another book about a young child being hanged for a crime, and the person wondered if such was true. Unfortunately, such was true, but it was not … Continue reading

Posted in British history, Georgian England, Georgian Era, history, Living in the Regency, real life tales, Regency era, research | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments