Tag Archives: Catholicism

Catholic Peers in Georgian England

 Over the centuries, the English people saw first Catholicism in favor, which was replaced by Protestantism, to be replaced by Catholicism again, and finally a return to Protestantism. The reigns of Henry VIII and his children brought a time of … Continue reading

Posted in British history, customs and tradiitons, family, George IV, Georgian England, history, Living in the UK, real life tales, royalty, titles of aristocracy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Catholic Peers in Georgian England

Thomas More’s Life and Literature and Being a Reformation Martyr

 I am continued my journey through my undergraduate degree by looking at English literature through the ages. Today we have Sir Thomas More. Thomas More was born on Milk Street, London on February 7, 1478, son of Sir John More, … Continue reading

Posted in British history, Great Britain, history, kings and queens, religion, research, Tudor, Tudors | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments