About Regina Jeffers

About the Author

Writing passionately comes easily to Regina Jeffers. A master teacher, for thirty-nine years, she passionately taught thousands of students English in the public schools of West Virginia, Ohio, and North Carolina. Yet, “teacher” does not define her as a person. Ask any of her students or her family, and they will tell you Regina is passionate about so many things: her son, her grandchildren, truth, children in need, our country’s veterans, responsibility, the value of a good education, words, music, dance, the theater, pro football, classic movies, the BBC, track and field, books, books, and more books. Holding multiple degrees, Jeffers often serves as a Language Arts or Media Literacy consultant to school districts and has served on several state and national educational commissions.

Jeffers’s writing career began when a former student challenged her to do what she so “righteously” told her class should be accomplished in writing. On a whim, she self-published her first book Darcy’s Passions. “I never thought anything would happen with it. Then one day, a publishing company contacted me. They had watched the sales of the book on Amazon, and they offered to print it. The rest is history.”

Since that time, Jeffers continues to write. “Writing is just my latest release of the creative side of my brain. I taught theater, even participated in professional and community-based productions when I was younger. I trained dance teams, flag lines, majorettes, and field commanders. My dancers were both state and national champions. I simply require time each day to let the possibilities flow. When I write, I write as I used to choreograph routines for my dance teams; I write the scenes in my head as if they are a movie. Usually, it plays there for several days being tweaked and rewritten, but, eventually, I put it to paper. From that point, things do not change much because I have completed several mental rewrites.”

Every Woman Dreams

Regina Jeffers’s Website

Always Austen

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33 Responses to About Regina Jeffers

  1. I have greatly enjoyed reading your blog, which has great information and is well-written. I hope that my own blog, Write Life by A Lady, can aspire to be as authoritative, though I am yet to be published. Miguelina Perez and I are finishing our first collaborative mystery-romance novel set in the Regency Period, and authors like you are a real inspiration!

  2. RO says:

    I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! I hope you will accept it! Check out the details on my blog.

    • As I am on the road promoting two different books, I will decline at this time. Thanks for thinking of me, though.

      • RO says:

        Of course I fully understand! Just know that you were nominated by me because I always enjoy your posts! 🙂

      • I TRULY appreciate the gesture. I have been wanting time to respond to several offers for guest blogs, etc. I just can’t seem to get my act together. I come home on Monday, repack the car, do my radiation treatments, and am out again by week’s end. I knew it would be hectic so I purposely completed all my blog posts up through June 20 when things will hopefully calm down.

      • RO says:

        I hope so to! Good luck!

  3. RO says:

    I hope so too! Good luck with everything..!

  4. Anna says:

    Thankyou for your September post about James Pratt, John Smith and William Bonill. I became fascinated with their sad story a few months ago and, since I am in London, I went to the spot where Bonill lived, not far from Blackfriars Bridge. The street where he lived doesn’t exist anymore, but there was an old pub nearby and I half wondered whether that was where he fetched his jug of ale. I did some research and found that Bonill was transported to Tasmania (or Van Diemen’s Land as it was then known) as a convict after the deaths of Pratt and Smith and he died in the New Norfolk Hospital there in 1841, only a few years after the other men.

  5. ACoupleTalks says:

    I stumbled across your blog because I was looking for other bloggers who write about male vs female perspectives — but you take it to a whole new level dissecting characters! Very interesting topics! 🙂

    – Emily

  6. Minerva says:

    Hi Regina: A search of a brief article at Grinnell about entail brought up your blog. I can’t find the article in which you mention this quote: “Another detail of the law was that entails were periodically renewable and even breakable with the consent of an heir who had come of age.” I am very curious to know if you’ve seen anything else on the issue of breaking entail with the consent of the heir? I’ve searched everything I can find, and there is nothing. Thanks for a great blog!

  7. Carole says:

    Hi Regina
    Every new day brings a wonderful new surprise, and today I stumbled across your amazing blog. I have always been interested in the effects on Georgian era families of primogeniture. I recently completed a novel based on the life of Jane Austen’s remarkable great-grandmother Elizabeth Weller Austen and how primogeniture nearly ruined her life. Her wealthy father-in-law John III could have helped her out after his son’s untimely death, but he apparently disliked her intensely. Why? In Austens of Broadford, I pulled together facts from Eliza’s famous Memorandum enhanced with fictional aspects to explain my theory of how and why she ended up as she did..

    Every woman dreams, and writing this historical fictional biography was on my bucket list, so let me thank you for allowing me to announce it here.

    • Carole, if you would like to do a guest post on the blog, I would be happy to host you.

      • Carole says:

        Regina, I would be honoured to do a guest post on your blog! Based on my research of the Austen family, I was surprised to find no novel written about Jane’s interesting ancestress. As a retired attorney whose only prior writing experience was legal contracts and court briefs, I decided to try my hand at something creative–a novel.. And I have a deep abiding interest in history.

        Please let me know what you have in mind for a guest post.

  8. Daniel says:

    Hello Regina,
    I have just enjoyed reading your article from 2013 on Plough Monday & Mumming (https://reginajeffers.blog/2013/03/04/plough-monday-and-molly-dancing/) – I am part of the Good Easter Molly Gang in Essex, founded in 1984, with dances collected from old dancers in Needham Market so it’s all very interesting. The two main resources to which I’ve been referred are these, which I assume you have, but just in case:
    • “For a bit of sport -: Molly dancing and Plough Monday in East Anglia” by Richard Humphries.
    • “Truculent Rustics – Molly Dancing In East Anglia Before 1940” by Elaine Bradtke
    The reason I thought to get in touch is because your blog, which I found by searching for “Molly” appears to be topped with a lovely picture of Chatsworth House, where my Mum went to school during WW2. May I ask why you chose to use that picture? Are you connected with the House? Obviously nothing to do with Molly but I’m intrigued.

    • I write Jane Austen-inspired variations/vagaries, which is how I began my writing career (by a fluke). Chatsworth is often thought of as the “image” of Mr. Darcy’s Pemberley in “Pride and Prejudice.” My Austen fans recognize it immediately as such. LOL!

  9. Ian S says:

    Hello Regina,
    It feels a bit odd to call you that, but the name that I knew you by as a student isn’t listed on here that I saw, and so I wanted to avoid using it just in case. I hope it doesn’t come across as rude! I happened across your blog by chance while looking up the author of a book my friend is reading; I thought it could hardly be a coincidence that another author named Regina had written a sequel to Pride and Prejudice! At any rate, I thought it would be nice to drop by to say hello. I can’t imagine you’d have much reason to remember me in particular, but I was one of your students about 15 or so years ago. I only had you for a single class, but you left such an impression that I still recall it all these years later. You never let me get away with cutting corners in my writing and you were a “hard ass” in the best of ways, even though I was just a teen too surly and full of himself to appreciate it at the time. I hope you’re doing well, especially given everything going on these last few years.

    • Good day, Ian. I am still here. In fact, I just built a house in the new subdivision at Unionville IT Road and Ridge Road, a quarter mile removed from PR. I am pleased to hear from you. Working on book number 59. I won’t mention my age, as I recently had a birthday, but it would be considered “monumental.”
      I am glad you are doing well. Such is what I hoped for you.

  10. silimom says:

    Will Darcy’s Temptation ever be available on Kindle?

    • I had to reconstruct Darcy’s Temptation from old files once I received the rights back from the publisher about two years ago. The publisher does not provide the files. All I had in my files was a pdf. As you likely know, copying and pasting from a pdf messes up the look of a page in Word. Anyway, that process is finished. It is with the editors, and I am happy to say, Darcy’s Temptation will be rereleased in January 2023. Follow me on this site or on Austen Authors to keep abreast of the exact release date.

  11. Angela Milton says:

    I’ve enjoyed exploring your research and articles, especially:

    Enlisting in the British Army During the Regency Era

    I wonder if you might be able to help with a point of detail I’m after for a short story- regarding Col Fitzwilliam, how is it that he has ‘time off’ to spend with Mr Darcy and visit Rosings? Would officers in the regulars have down time to spend at home/ with family? And if he, at some point, ‘sold out’ would he retain the title of Colonel, as Col Brandon seems to do? Many thanks!

    • Okay, I am going to answer you again. Evidently, the longer version did not go through when I sent it for it never showed on the feed.
      Could Colonel Fitzwilliam have time off?

      BACKGROUND: By 1803, there were approximately 130,000 British Regulars in all parts of the world, compared to 200,000 Militia and over 350,000 Volunteers. This meant that in 1803, for every regular army officer and enlisted man, there were three or four militia or volunteers and half a million British soldiers were unavailable for service in the Regulars.
      Because ready recruits were tied up in the Militia and then the Volunteers, if an expedition were needed overseas, as it was in the French and Indian War and the American Revolution, the Regular Army found it was necessary to make one battalion from three under-strength battalions or improvise new battalions. (Battalions were 500 to 1000 men—at the beginning of the wars each regiment usually had only one battalion of about 500, but grew to two each and some up to six by 1814. ) Often officers would not want to be part of new battalions because they knew once the war was over, the battalions would be disbanded and they would be put on half-pay.

      Based on the Above, My Response: I always assumed Colonel Fitzwilliam was in England as sort of a “recruiter” (though I did once wrote a story where he served on the Canadian front during the War of 1812). These recruiters had a specific purpose during the war. The manner in which Fitzwilliam also finds a Regular Army lieutenant position for Wickham also leads me to believe him involved in one of the ways below.
      There were three ways to procure the men for new battalions in the Regular army: Ordinary recruiting, by raising new units, or by raising men for rank.
      RECRUITING: Each regiment would keep a small recruiting party of two or three officers and perhaps a dozen men for recruiting. They would be given expense money and sent out across the English landscape to find volunteers.
      RAISING NEW REGIMENTS: This was done by giving wealthy and interested gentlemen Royal Warrants or Letters of Service and a colonel’s commission if they would sponsor and then find men for a regiment of one or more battalions.
      RAISING IN RANK: This was a way for commissioned officers and civilians to gain a higher rank or commission: All they had to do was to collect an agreed upon number of recruits and they would gain a higher rank or their first commission. All three methods saw a variety of methods employed, including drink, bounties, and press gangs.
      It may seem strange, but every regular infantry and cavalry regiment in the British Army during the Napoleonic wars were raised, or had been created at one time pretty much like Fencible, Yeomanry, and Volunteer corps. Many regular army regiments were raised and then at the end of the war, disbanded like the Fencibles, it’s regiment’s number to be used again later.

      As to whether the colonel would use his officer rank after selling out, such would be common, especially in the UK and especially for a man who served his country long enough to reach the rank of “colonel.” Remember, Fitzwilliam could not simply purchase that rank. He had to start with the lower ranks and move up only when there was an opening – purchasing his way up the supply chain, so to speak. As the younger son of an earl, he would theoretically be The Right Honourable Mr. Fitzwilliam. As Lady Catherine keeps her “honor title” as the daughter of an earl, such is why she is Lady Catherine de Bourgh, when, in reality, as the wife of a baronet, she should be “Lady de Bourgh,” the colonel could use his honorific/military title instead of “Mister.”

  12. Aimee W. says:

    Happy New Year to you, Regina —

    I was just enjoying your post from October ’17 regarding ladies’ companions in the 19th century and was wondering if you could point me in the right direction on a specific matter. Currently, I’m writing a novel set in the Victorian Era in which the main character is inspired by a lady’s companion found within the pages of a book she has read. I would love that book to be one that actually existed in that time period as it would lend some authenticity to my story. Do you know of any actual novels written before 1841 which have a lady’s companion as one of its characters? Thanks so much.

    • I do not know whether this would work or not, but there was a monthly magazine available during the late 1830s, not sure of the exact date or when it went out of circulation, but I am thinking it was around 1860. There are copies of latter editions being offered on Abe Books, etc. Legare Street Press has a copy for $40, as does Thrift Books. Amazon has volume 13 for $27. Originally published in 1838, this collection of essays, poetry, and short stories provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of 19th century women’s literature. The Ladies’ Companion was a popular magazine of its time, and this collection showcases the best of its content. From insightful essays on social issues to romantic vignettes, this collection is a treasure trove of literary gems.
      This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
      Bridgeman Images has the cover of one on its site: https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en-US/english-school/the-ladies-companion-an-illustrated-monthly-magazine-of-the-fashions-interesting-facts-and-select/engraving/asset/5899928
      The writer Mary Wollstonecraft served as companion to a wealthy widow, Sarah Dawson, in the spa town of Bath. It was her first job, aged 19 in 1778.
      Mrs. Anne Weston (née Taylor) is a supporting character in Jane Austen’s 1815 Emma. Miss Taylor was the devoted governess to the Woodhouse family; during which she became a beloved friend and mother-figure to the novel’s protagonist, whose mother died at a young age.
      If neither of these work, send me back another message. I am the middle of editing and just did some of those I knew off the top of my head. I can dig deeper or ask others. You might consider joining Regency Kisses: Lady Catherine’s Salon on Facebook. Lots of historians on that group. Ask your question and see what they might say.

  13. Susie Lea/Kinnaird says:

    Hello Regina,

    I’m hoping you may be able to help to discover if Maria is a relation of mine. My family are Lord & Lady Kinnaird from Perthshire (sadly both dead) Scotland. I believe Maria’s father/parents may have been one of my great, great uncles and aunt but I do not know of any, and cannot find any trace of any Kinnaird going to St. Vincent. Late 1700’s the head of the family was George Kinnaird followed by his son Charles then George again. I do know that Maria would certainly been friends with the Kinnairds as they were all in the same circle and bankers to Byron amongst others. 

    Might you be able to shed any light on this? Best wishes from Susie Kinnaird Email: susielea@mac.com

    • In truth, Susie, I did this post about ten years ago, and I have not pursed it since. As is typical of me, the person or thing which is the subject of a post on my blog is mentioned in one of my books, and so I had read “Maria Drummond: A Sketch.” You can find it at this link on Google Books at https://books.google.com/books/about/Maria_Drummond.html?id=k2s7AQAAMAAJ
      I am sorry not to be of more assistance. I know how frustrating it is to search family lines and hit a dead end. You might invest in a genealogist. I had to do something similar to search my father’s ancestral lines. Best wishes for your success.

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